As we mentioned in previous articles, in the British Columbia Regional Program ($ 100,000 Program) must you must create in one of the areas identified by the business districts.
The recently announced entrepreneurial priorities of the various regions of British Columbia are as follows:
- Manufacture of wooden products
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Leisure and entertainment industries
- Waleed Agricultural Products
- Specialized trade contracting
- Production of various products
- Forestry and logging
- Retail Store
- Transportation by truck
- Food industry
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Accommodation services
- Food industry
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Accommodation services
- Production
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- educational services
- Production of agricultural products
- Production
- Educational services
- Agricultural and forestry support services
- Support services for oil, gas and mining
- Accommodation services
- Transportation by truck
- Retail Store
- Inventory
- Manufacture of wooden products
- Production of various products
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Manufacture of wooden products
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Accommodation services
- Food industry
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Educational services
- Clothing and accessories store
- Inventory
- Leisure and entertainment industries
- Food industry
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Food and beverage service
- Forestry and logging
- Construction of buildings
- Accommodation and maintenance equipment
- Construction of buildings
- Information processing services
- Leisure and entertainment industries
- Agricultural and forestry support services
- Construction of buildings
- Specialized trade contracting
- Manufacture of wooden products
- Publishing Industries
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Manufacture of wooden products
- Accommodation and maintenance equipment
- Leisure and entertainment industries
- Agricultural and forestry support services
- Support services for oil, gas and mining
- Production of various products
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Waste management and treatment services
- Manufacture of metal products
- Educational services
- Leisure and entertainment industries
- Accommodation services
- Food industry
- General Merchandise Store
- Technical, scientific and professional services
- Support and management services
- Educational services
- Food and beverage industry